

E-shop / Website

Fifty years ago, the Dufrais company was born when the youngest of the Detry d’Aubel brothers joined the family business and developed a new venture selling fresh produce to consumers. At that time, the concept of integrating artisanal butcher’s shops into supermarkets was a real success.


No more waiting at the counter, your order is waiting for you!

Over the years, the company has continued to grow and expand into more and more retail outlets. Today, S.A Dufrais is a real player in the sale of cut, cooked, prepared and roasted meat products throughout Wallonia.

In 2016, Djm took care of developing the new Dufrais website, a custom design, a simple and efficient administration interface, and a site that runs like clockwork. We didn’t stop there. With the aim of offering a service that will make life easier for both the user and Dufrais, we developed a complete pre-order module, which allows the user to place their order online, and pick it up from their nearest Dufrais outlet (in supermarkets).