
Tribu News

Mobile app

The idea of strengthening family ties is at the heart of this digital project. After discovering the achievements of DJM digital, Tribu News entrusted us with its latest project: the development of a state-of-the-art application.


  • Reconnect the generations of a family based on work on the website,
  • Present a more ergonomic and accessible solution.


  • Develop a simple, intuitive mobile app that is accessible to all,
  • Diversify access to the newspaper by developing additional digital support,
  • Make connections between the mobile application and the website.
    Examples: link to the customer account, real-time journal modification (web/mobile synchronisation, etc.)


Creation of a native application available on iOS and Android that:

  • Facilitates the importation of photos.
    How? By allowing the app to directly access a smartphone’s photo gallery or the gallery from the users’ Facebook and Instagram accounts.
  • Making it possible to personalise the journal as much as possible.
    How? By offering different page formats with multiple text and photo orientations.

In detail


The user downloads the Tribu News application,


They register, create an account and invite members to the community,


Each member contributes to the personalisation of the newspaper by adding photos and content,


The community validates the newspaper before the end of the current month,


Tribu News prints and sends the paper newspaper to the designated person.

Tribu News