The importance of social networks in corporate communication and marketing is well established. Businesses of all sizes must invest intelligently in social networks in order to promote their brand image.
The topics of posts can be very varied: highlighting products and/or services, introducing team members, promotional messages, sharing articles, and many more.
Today, there are many social networks available to you, and you should keep in mind that each of these networks has its own audience and target audience. The important thing is to have consistency and logic in your communication while adapting your message according to the channel used.
But how do you publish content that is differentiated by channel and target audience while remaining true to your graphic identity and consistent with your brand image?
The omnichannel approach to communication
The customer journey is evolving day by day, and the communication pattern must adapt to this. Communication methods must now be transformed and adapted to these Internet users’ habits to achieve a more complete and successful strategy. Multichannel has given way to omnichannel!
The multi-channel approach multiplies the contact points between the company and the consumer via different social networks. However, the omnichannel strategy will allow a consumer to use all the means of communication (social networks, newsletter, app, etc.) available to them to purchase or look for information, for example.
This user-centric approach is based on the consumer’s habits, who no longer uses just one of the brand’s channels during their customer journey, but several simultaneously. At first glance, regardless of the medium, your brand identity must be recognisable.
Harmonising the brand image
The first impression is the most important, so it is crucial to consider your content and your pages on social networks by aligning and establishing your visual identity.
Most companies have a defined corporate identity, and it is, of course, necessary to apply it on social networks. At first glance, the user should understand and know that they are on one of your company’s pages.
The filters on your images, the tones used in the feed of your pages, the typography used in your videos or visuals, the format of the videos and images chosen are all elements to be considered to exploit your graphic identity on social networks correctly.
However, thinking only in terms of the website and social networks is a mistake that many companies tend to make. Indeed, all visuals must be aligned: from business cards to email signatures, presentation templates or even invoices! Therefore, it is essential not to neglect anything and to be very meticulous in applying your graphic identity to allow your company’s brand image to stand out and be highlighted.
Adapting your message
Due to a lack of time or a desire to save time, some companies publish the same content on all their social networks. Obviously, they favour a multi-channel approach in this case, but it should not be forgotten that today this is somewhat outdated and supplanted by the omnichannel approach. Many users juggle different social networks and follow brands on their smartphones.
These companies’ big mistake is to think that their audiences are the same on all their networks. When you think in terms of the audience present on the different channels, it is logical to adapt your message. Indeed, each channel has its own specificities. LinkedIn is a network focused on professional interests, while Instagram is oriented towards inspiration and the “wow” factor, while Facebook can mix the two with some adaptations. Many brands are aware of this, but not all of them really consider it, which could be detrimental to them and their followers.
Good practices
As you can see, for clear and effective communication on all channels, it is essential to aim for a user-centric strategy and to favour an omnichannel approach that improves the customer experience. Furthermore, it is also essential to develop or use the company’s graphic identity for all communications emanating from the brand (on social networks or any others, such as offline communications, etc.)
Finally, it is crucial to think in terms of audience and to differentiate posts according to the chosen channel. Implementing these few tips will enable your social networks and all your communications, to be more in line with your brand image and to be more effective in terms of clicks and user interest.
Passionate about social networks and writing, Mathilde is part of our team of experts in Community Management and Social Media Advertising. As the guarantor of DJM’s and its partners’ e-reputation, she makes it a point of honor to follow the latest trends related to social networks and the digital sector at large.