
TikTok, Twitch, Clubhouse: the social networks of 2021

TikTok, Twitch, Clubhouse: the social networks of 2021

TikTok, Twitch, Clubhouse: the social networks of 2021 940 788 DJM digital

We live in a society where social media plays an increasingly important role in customer decision-making. But how do you stay ahead of the game as the competition for the various media outlets grows? By keeping a constant eye on the latest digital news!

As your digital partner, we have put together a summary of the main social networks emerging at the beginning of 2021:

Clubhouse: the platform that reinvented podcasts

This platform was born in April 2020 with the ambition of riding the trend of the resurgence of podcasts. Clubhouse is organised in the form of chat rooms (also called “Rooms”) offering only one means of communication: voice. This social network differs from others, which tend to favour text and visuals. Clubhouse does not offer chat but rather live verbal conversations. As a participant, you can choose to simply listen but also to interact if an administrator authorises you to do so.

For the moment, Clubhouse is based on a referral system, where each new user is given two invitations to distribute to their friends and family.

What are the opportunities for brands?

Clubhouse allows you to create a close relationship with your audience while sharing exclusive content. The temporality of this content leads to the creation of a feeling of exclusivity that arouses curiosity and encourages listeners to participate more in discussions.

In addition, these rooms have a maximum capacity of 5,000 people, which encourages users to participate quickly. The topics available are varied, and it is sometimes even possible to talk to well-known personalities.
Finally, although Clubhouse has only been around for a short time, its meteoric growth has even challenged the big boys. This is why Facebook is developing a platform that will compete with Clubhouse, and who knows, maybe it will be the next emerging social network.

The TikTok phenomenon

Formerly known as Musical.Ly, this social network has seen strong growth since 2019. Offering entertaining video content, TikTok is now one of the most downloaded platforms on the App Store.

With an audience made up mainly of young people, it’s the perfect way for brands to reach Generation Z and Millennials. But now, the TikTok phenomenon has even reached the older generations. All of these users are looking for entertainment, but above all, authenticity.

Moreover, TikTok has become a player in the accessibility of virality. Indeed, its algorithm does not take into account the popularity of the creator but the capacity of its content to become viral!

What are its advantages for brands?

TikTok offers real-time marketing with native video ads in the stream. It is also an opportunity for companies to allow users to enter the world of the brand by discovering what goes on behind the scenes. Thus, it is possible to develop one’s brand image and reputation by taking advantage of the virality of the content.

Moreover, given the rapid growth of this social network, new video formats are appearing every day (tutorials, recipes, tips, order preparation, behind the scenes, etc.), as well as new challenges. Therefore, it is important to stay informed of the latest trends and to anticipate them!

The amazing growth of Twitch

In 2011, Twitch was born, a video game streaming platform where players commented on their games live. Twitch experienced a surge in popularity following the pandemic. Indeed, its audience has grown, and other content is now broadcast, such as thematic press reviews, news commentaries, debates, shows, commentary readings, interviews, cooking, music, and so on.

Why should brands be interested in this social network?

Twitch represents a real opportunity for brands wishing to reach audiences that are not necessarily reachable with traditional media, such as older people who do not have an Instagram account. In particular, they can run advertising in advance of live videos. Companies can also take advantage of the diversity of content offered by this platform to develop creative and spontaneous formats and messages.

Furthermore, Twitch users are particularly fond of one particular category: Just Chatting. This trend of conversational marketing is growing more and more, especially during the pandemic. As the physical connection between brands and their customers is being challenged more than ever, it is necessary to create interaction online to maintain their relationship.

Finally, one of the foundations of Twitch is interactivity and audience inclusion through live chat. Thus, it is an opportunity to build a community and enjoy interaction with it.

In conclusion, our advice is to position yourself as an early adopter of emerging social networks. In this way, you will be able to seize the countless opportunities that they offer you, especially the fact that you can reach your target quickly. Indeed, the competition is still very weak, so it is possible to stand out and grow even faster. Social networks are now an integral part of a successful communication strategy. Keep your competitors at bay by making sure you are always up to date with the latest trends in social media marketing!