
Inbound marketing

iOS 18 and RCS: An evolution that brings your customers closer together

Optimise your communications with RCS: interactive, engaging messages accessible on Android and iPhone.

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Customer acquisition through voice search: how to benefit from v-commerce?

What if the purchasing process became instantaneous thanks to the power of the voice? Voice Commerce, or V-commerce, encompasses the customer's purchasing journey via connected speakers or voice commands on smartphones. How can you exploit this new channel to maximise conversions? We explain!

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Sending transactional e-mails: Hidden performance levers

What marketing solution can help you generate your customers' trust simply, efficiently and without requiring a lot of long-term resources? Transactional email! It represents an important opportunity to foster your customers' trust, highlight your brand identity, unite your community and become a commercial tool for cross-selling and up-selling.

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Why does your inbound marketing strategy need a blog?

Think about adding writing blog articles to your content strategy. Why should you do this? To achieve better SEO, to improve the user experience, to diversify your SMA or even to increase traffic to your website.

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CRO (conversion rate optimisation) and AI: which tools should be used to improve web conversion?

CRO is a key strategy for companies wishing to maximise their conversion rate and optimise their marketing efforts. Find out how!

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Is SMS marketing still relevant in 2023?

Have you already thought about incorporating SMS marketing into your 2023 strategy? With the rapid evolution of technology and consumer behaviour, SMS marketing is more relevant than ever!

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UGC: your marketing strategy's secret weapon for improving customer engagement and boosting sales!

In a world where consumers are increasingly aware of their purchasing power, UGC could become a powerful engine for boosting your visibility and boosting your sales.

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Trends not to be missed for a successful digital strategy in 2023

At DJM, we have identified four major trends to keep an eye on in 2023, as they will continue to grow in importance. As each year brings its own innovations, it's not always easy to keep abreast of the latest marketing trends.

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Customer reviews: essential for your e-reputation

Customer reviews, whether positive or negative, can help you improve your SEO, your reputation, your e-reputation and, as a result, your bottom line. However, there are ways of dealing with them so that they benefit you. Here is our advice.

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5 keys to an effective e-mail marketing strategy

In 2022, the success of your e-mail marketing strategy will depend in particular on segmentation, automation and personalisation.

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5 e-marketing campaigns that made an impact in 2021

Seasonal marketing consists of creating campaigns for the major events of the year. Discover 5 original e-marketing campaigns for 2021.

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5 marketing tips for success in 2022

With 2022 fast approaching, it's time to take a step back and look back, but also to develop new strategies.

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