
Ores : A/B testing marketing campaigns to maximise the rate of engagement

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About Ores

Ores is a major player in energy distribution in Wallonia for a wide range of customers, from private individuals to large companies. By providing a continuous supply of electricity, natural gas and municipal street lighting, Ores places a strong emphasis on quality, accessibility and fair pricing.


The energy industry is constantly evolving, facing major challenges such as sustainability, energy efficiency and technological innovation. As a key player in this sector, Ores must maintain its leadership by constantly adapting its strategies to meet the changing needs of its customers.

With an already established reputation in the energy sector, Ores aimed to strengthen its online presence, increase its visibility to qualified prospects, and generate engagement for 8 of its heating engineer partners.

Maximising local commitment to natural gas through A/B testing

Being in the right place at the right time with the right message, in a context where users are subjected to an incessant flow of information, is a real challenge for many companies. With this in mind, Ores called on our services to meet this challenge. Our mission was clear: to raise awareness and engage the public on gas-related issues in a local way, by creating active awareness around this resource through eight heating company partners.

To achieve this, we set up local A/B testing campaigns, working closely with eight Ores partners. Our aim was to understand their audience’s motivations, what drove their reaction, and which messages could touch them emotionally. Through meticulous testing, we segmented the content into different versions and explored different variables at a local level. This approach enabled us to collect accurate and actionable data, providing an in-depth understanding of the preferences of the Walloon audience. Our findings, based on collected data, then guided Ores’ marketing strategy to maximise engagement around natural gas.


To understand and strengthen the local commitment of the Walloon public through content on energy and gas consumption, in partnership with eight players, while avoiding advertising cannibalisation and maximising regional impact.


DJM deployed a series of cross-channel A/B testing campaigns to identify the most captivating content for the target audience. The results of these tests were compiled in a detailed report, providing Ores with essential insights for optimising their communication and effectively reaching their audience.

Key elements of the mission

Implementing a multi-channel strategy

In-depth analysis of tangible data

Understanding the target audience and their preferences

Concrete recommendations to improve engagement

Detailed report on A/B test findings

Results obtained


Average CTR on Meta


average engagement rate on Tiktok


hypotheses tested in 14 weeks

A methodical approach and concrete results

Over the course of a fourteen-week sprint, we orchestrated a series of bespoke advertising campaigns for the eight Ores partners, with in-depth A/B testing at the heart of the process. This rigorous methodology enabled us to draw some concrete conclusions.

A/B testing played a central role in our approach, covering a wide range of variables, from content formats to delivery platforms, from subject matter to CTAs, from targeting to retargeting. Thanks to this methodological rigour, we were able to draw conclusions based on tangible data, guiding us towards the optimal combinations to maximise engagement and, consequently, encourage the generation of leads (contact requests) on the website.

To reach our target audience effectively, we deployed hyper-localized campaigns on various platforms, including social networks such as Facebook, TikTok and YouTube, as well as Display campaigns to boost online visibility.

At the same time, we developed landing pages specially optimised for lead generation, complemented by a captivating content hub offering in-depth articles to increase interaction. Throughout this process, the user experience was a priority, ensuring smooth navigation and increased satisfaction.

Data analysis and flexibility: the keys to the success of our marketing campaigns

Each of our campaigns was characterised by flexibility and responsiveness. We constantly monitored and analysed the results, which enabled us to accumulate precise data on engagement, conversion and other key indicators. This data proved essential for adapting our strategy in real time as the project evolved. It formed the basis for strategic recommendations to guide the progress of our client’s marketing strategy. Our ability to react quickly ensured continuous optimisation of campaigns, generating exponentially growing results for our client. This agility was essential in an ever-changing environment, ensuring that our marketing actions were always relevant.

The result? Our efforts were crowned with success, with above-average engagement rates on every channel, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategic approach.

A collaboration focused on marketing excellence.

Our partnership with Ores has been built on the fundamental pillars of transparency, regular communication and a deep understanding of their vision and needs. This close collaboration has been forged around a long-term objective: the continuous improvement of Ores’ marketing performance.

After 14 weeks of intensive testing and meticulous data analysis, our team of experts identified the winning trends and strategies, as well as the key elements having an impact on engagement and conversion. These findings have been carefully integrated into informed strategic recommendations, designed to guide Ores’ future marketing campaigns towards optimal results. All the results of these tests were recorded in a ‘cookbook’, a summary document, so that our client could draw on valuable insights at any time, making it easier to take strategic decisions for the future.

This partnership has demonstrated that collaboration, creativity and data analysis can converge to deliver outstanding results.

Our project team

Mathilde Pinchard

Content Creator

Anthony Bragard

Project Manager

Caroline Vidal

Data Analyst

Céline Lambert

Digital Marketer

Marie Schyns

Digital Strategist

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