In March, we had the pleasure of taking part in Sortlist’s “Beyond Marketing” podcast, recorded at the Grand Poste in Liège. The subject? Application development.
Thomas Nyssen, COO, and Sébastien Rigaux, CTO, discussed the different types of applications, their specific features, and the budgets and development times involved. They also explained the importance of the user experience and the specific marketing strategies that need to be put in place to promote an application.
Watch the podcast video below. Would you prefer to listen to it? It’s also available on Spotify!
Comment choisir entre application native, hybride ou web ?
Tout business qui projette de développer une application doit commencer par choisir le type d’application qui répond le mieux à ses besoins. On compte trois principaux types d’applications : natives, hybrides ou web.
1 – Applications natives
Les applications natives sont développées spécialement pour un système d’exploitation, à savoir iOS ou Android. Elles sont téléchargeables via l’App Store ou le Google Play Store.
Avantages : ce type d’application permet de faire appel aux fonctionnalités propres du téléphone de l’utilisateur comme le GPS, l’appareil photo ou encore les notifications push. Il s’agit du type d’application par excellence pour offrir une meilleure fluidité, ergonomie et aller plus loin en matière d’expérience utilisateur.
2 – Applications web
Les applications web (ou web apps) désignent les applications qui sont accessibles via un navigateur web, comme c’est le cas pour un site web.
Avantages : l’utilisateur ne doit pas effectuer un téléchargement avant de pouvoir les utiliser. Les différences majeures avec un site web ? Elles permettent plus d’interactivité, offrent des fonctionnalités supplémentaires et répondent à des usages différents.
3 – Applications hybrides
Les applications hybrides sont des applications web dont l’exécution est possible dans des applications mobiles. Elles peuvent être référencées dans l’App Store et le Google Play Store.
Avantages : le développement est plus rapide, car ces applications sont cross-plateformes, c’est–à-dire qu’elles ne nécessitent que le développement d’un code pour toutes les plateformes.
“Choisir un type d’application, c’est trouver un équilibre entre 3 piliers : fonctionnalités, expérience client et audience.”
To define the most appropriate type of application for your project, you need to think carefully beforehand and determine the functionalities you will need, the type of customer experience you want to offer and the audience you are targeting. The combination of all these criteria will then enable you to choose the ideal solution: native, web or hybrid application. Your budget and the time you have available to develop your application will also influence your choice.
The importance of testing and optimising the customer experience
Fostering a positive customer experience should always be a priority when developing applications. The ultimate goal to keep in mind when developing an application? It must be used by your target audience, whether on a regular basis or occasionally, at an event for example.
“The ergonomics and fluidity of the application are extremely important criteria for the customer experience”.
To give yourself the best chance of success, you need to ensure that the application is smooth, intuitive and easy to use, by regularly testing your app throughout the process.
Ideally, testing should start as soon as the mock-up and wireframes have been produced, to make sure you’re on the right track before you start developing the application.
Boosting your application with a marketing strategy
Have you created a tailor-made application that meets your needs? Now you need to make it known to your audience. We recommend that you always combine the development of your application with an e-marketing strategy to ensure a complete approach, from the design of the application to its promotion. Below, we share 4 tips for your e-marketing strategy.
“The more an application is downloaded, the more it is used and the higher it will rank in the stores”.
1 – Mobilise your social networks, website and contact list
The first step? Tell your network about your application. To do this, we advise you to announce the arrival of your application on all your communication channels, for example via publications on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), sending emails, adding information and a download link on your website, etc. Ideally, you should think about a real content marketing strategy for all your channels beforehand and draw up a precise editorial calendar before, during and after the release of your application.
2- Get good natural referencing in blinds
Your ranking in the App Store and Google Play Store depends on the success of your application. The more people know about it and download it, the more prominence it will have in the stores. Your digital marketing strategy plays a very important role here too. A good strategy will enable you to get the word out about your app and nurture its success.
3 – Sponsor your application in stores
In addition to natural referencing, stores offer you the opportunity to showcase your application via advertising inserts. Coupled with natural referencing, this solution allows you to raise the profile of your application even further.
4 – Get user reviews
What step generally precedes downloading an app? Consulting the reviews left by users! Obtaining positive reviews is particularly important, as they have a bearing on whether or not you decide to download an app. What’s more, stores also take user satisfaction into account. The more satisfied your users are, the more positive comments they will leave, and the more prominence your app will get.
Want to find out more about application development? Don’t hesitate to listen to the podcast via Youtube or Spotify, it’s a real mine of information! You’ll find out even more about the three main types of app, the role of copywriting, design trends and the requirements for publishing an app on the stores.
Valerie is an expert in copywriting and lends her pen to our team of copywriters to produce quality and engaging content. She is constantly learning and specializing in SEA and Social Media Advertising.